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Mass & Confession

fr edward receiving mass from alter group


The celebration of the Eucharist is central to the prayer of the Benedictine monastic community and the School. Mass allows for the students to gather for a powerful and personal encounter with Jesus Christ. In addition to the daily Mass the monks offer at the Abbey Church at 5:00 pm, the School offers Mass before school every day at 7:30 am in the St. Martin Oratory. There are also numerous school-wide celebrations of Mass throughout the year, such as on Holy Days of Obligation, in addition to special liturgies for various occasions.



Encouraging our students to experience the Lord’s merciful love, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available every Tuesday during Homeroom in St. Martin Oratory. Students can receive the Sacrament anonymously (behind a screen) or face to face. Confessions are also available, along with Eucharistic Adoration, every second Friday of each month in the Abbey Church from 3:00 -5:00 pm, or by appointment with any of the priests on campus.


The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in a monstrance on the altar in the St. Martin Oratory after the 7:40 am daily Mass until 1pm. The First Friday devotion is a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which recalls the depths of God's love for us and calls out to the Lord to shower his mercy upon us and upon the whole world. We encourage all members of the Delbarton community to come and rest in the presence of the Lord and to speak to Him "as heart speaks to heart." Those who wish to come can sign up for a specific time slot via a link shared with the community prior to the first Friday of the month.