Students (grades 7-12) serve as altar servers at the Abbey Church.
Give With All Your Heart
As a Benedictine Catholic school, Delbarton actively fosters a culture of service to others, and community service is seen as an essential part of Delbarton’s mission to educate the whole person.
Love of neighbor, grounded in the love of God, is a responsibility that we have in common and is an expression of the Benedictine hallmark of hospitality which calls on all members of the community to welcome everyone as Jesus Christ (St. Benedict's Rule, chapter 53:1, "On the Reception of Guests"). Love, expressed in compassion and reverence for others, has the power to overcome injustice that often surrounds us. By making a sincere gift of ourselves to others, we fulfill the meaning of our existence, discover true personal happiness, and contribute to genuine social progress.
Each year, every Delbarton student is expected to participate in community service projects. Older students act as service project coordinators and develop leadership skills. Students also are invited to develop projects of their own. At our annual Community Service Fair in September, students learn about and sign up for the various service opportunities offered by the Office of Mission and Ministry. In a typical year, 100% of Delbarton students voluntarily participate in our robust community service program.
service programs
Students (grades 7-12) serve as altar servers at the Abbey Church.
Benedictine communities are imbued with a sense of respect for both human and natural resources.
Students (grades 7-12) extend the Benedictine charism of hospitality by serving as ushers in the Abbey Church
Selected students (grades 10-11) travel to Sub-Saharan Benedictine communities to provide assistance to them in their apostolates, especially their schools, catechizing of the poor, and assistance with the poor, the handicapped, and orphans.
Students (grades 9-12) participate in this week long service/retreat experience at one of these Catholic communities in rural West Virginia
Students (grades 7-12) bring in bag lunches on designated Fridays and then a selected team of students visits approximately 250 homeless people in New York City distributing food and clothing.
All students (7-12) participate in this annual collection of toys through the deaneries on a school day in December.
DEEP is a financial literacy course taught by Delbarton students to schoolchildren in Paterson, engaging students from 6th grade to 12th grade
Students (grades 9-12) organize an annual blood drive on campus for New Jersey Blood Services/The New York Blood Center.
Students (grades 7-12) provide after school educational and recreation activities for children with all types of handicaps
Students (grades 7-12) who are athletes themselves or simply have an affinity for sports come together for prayer, fellowship, and service
Students (grades 7-12) assist at a local food pantry that distributes supplemental and/or emergency food
Selected students (grades 10-12) form close relationships with middle school students through various activities
Students (grades 7-12) participate in this after school program by providing weekly assistance to deserving youngsters
Students (grades 7-12) become part of Delbarton’s Operation Smile club, which seeks to raise awareness of the plight of those born with a cleft lip or cleft palate in poor communities
Students (grades 7-12) seek to remove the stigma attached to mental illness
Students (grades 7-12) participate in this special event in honor of former Delbarton teacher, coach and administrator - Brian Fleury
Students (grades 7-12) participate in this national program discouraging destructive choices
Students (grades 7-12) participate in a one night Sleep Out on Delbarton's campus
Students (grades 7-12) organize an annual collection of non-perishable foods
Students (grades 7-12) are trained in the fundamentals of proclaiming the Word of God in the context of the liturgy
Wave-4-Life is a team of dedicated students (grades 7-12) looking to promote respect for every human life from conception until natural death.