On December 15, over one hundred Delbarton student and adult volunteers served as personal Santas for Paterson families. Partnering with Catholic Charities of the Paterson Diocese, the annual Delbarton Toy Drive amassed a truckful of unwrapped gifts currently being enjoyed by young children in Paterson, NJ.
After a massive on-campus toy collection on a very chilly December 12 with assist from Delbarton mothers...
...plus more toys donated at several seasonal alumni events, the Delbarton toy distribution of 1,400 unwrapped toys launched on Sunday, December 5 with Mass at Delbarton led by Headmaster Fr. Michael Tidd, O.S.B. Fr. Michael is pictured below with our on-campus Gift Drive Santa (who looked suspiciously like Assistant Director of Mission & Ministry Mike Fitzgerald).
After Mass, parent and student volunteers boarded Delbarton buses for the ride to Paterson where they set up tables filled donated toys. Some boys even got creative with their stacking techniques.
To make parents' jobs easier, toys were sorted and arranged by gender and age; Prior to the Drive, each Delbarton deanery had been assigned specific groupings. The tables were manned by Delbarton students, and Paterson families soon lined up outside to pick out favorite gifts, two per child. Paterson families were greeted by Santa Claus (who looked very much like a jauntily attired Andrew Covello '25)...
...and snacked on Christmas cookies when they arrived, then walked by the tables to select favorite toys. A little slice of Christmas heaven! Each family group was assisted by one of our young men who carried the toys in big red sacks. Director of Mission & Ministry Matthew White later reported that it was a great day for all.
THANK YOU to everyone helped us with this annual Christmas Gift Drive effort. From toy donors, truck loaders and unloaders and toy sorters, to the committed volunteers who joined us in Paterson, we couldn't host this annual Drive without you. We are so grateful for your assistance and for helping us deliver an early Christmas in Paterson this year!