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150 Delbarton Alumni Gather at NYAC
Meghan Podimsky

On February 23, over one hundred and fifty alumni came together to enjoy drinks, hors d'oeuvres and brotherhood on a chilly but clear night in Manhattan for our annual New York Athletic Club Reception.

The night was hosted by Headmaster Fr. Michael and NYAC member Andy Grabis '95. NYC-based Delbarton Alumni Association members gathered to hear brief remarks from Assistant Headmaster for Advancement Craig Paris '82, who paid tribute to John Conner '53 (our former NYAC host).

Next, Alumni Association President John Ferramosca '05 reminded alumni of the immeasurable support Delbarton graduates offer to each other, both professionally and personally. Ferramosca stressed the importance of brotherhood and staying active within the Alumni Association. "I get asked why I'm so involved with Delbarton. I answer by saying if I had to choose to walk through life with or without my brothers, I am always choosing my brothers," he said.

Faculty member Jack O'Reilly '14 stepped up to the podium to announce that this year's Run It Out 5k will be on April 30th. He explained how Run It Out started as a freshman project 12 years ago and has evolved into a big community event to honor Brian Fleury P'19. Fleury was a Delbarton Director of Athletics, English teacher and Varsity Baseball coach who passed away in 2007. After battling non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for two decades, his legacy at Delbarton lives on; "Run it out" was one of Fleury's signature sayings as he encouraged his players to work hard with each play. Register here to run/walk in or support this special annual event.  

Finally, Headmaster Fr. Michael Tidd, O.S.B. closed out the night by expressing his gratitude for the turnout and reassured Green Wave alumni that their alma mater was stronger than ever as our new Field House is nearly complete and other campus improvements are in the works.

Another classic Green Wave group photo was taken...

Paris took the mic and asked all alums impacted by Attendance Officer and Receptionist Ms. Lorraine Petrolino, famous for her ready smile and consistently positive demeanor, to gather around her for another group photo. Petrolino is retiring this year after 24 years at Delbarton and this photo says it all about her impact on our alumni...

The evening concluded with men from a wide range of classes reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. Thank you to all who joined us for another memorable event at NYAC. Enjoy these reception photos...