About Us
welcome to Delbarton,
where we are held to a higher standard.Delbarton School is a Benedictine Catholic college preparatory school educating young men in grades 7–12 in mind, body and spirit.
Animated by the Benedictine monks of St. Mary’s Abbey, Delbarton continues a 1,500-year tradition of Benedictine Catholic liberal arts education that guides students to strive for nothing less than excellence in scholarship, spirituality, character and physical and mental health.
Delbarton brings together 636 young men of all faiths and backgrounds on its 187-acre campus just outside of historic Morristown, New Jersey. Students come from 120 towns and 12 counties in
New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.
Delbarton’s faculty encourages each young man to become an independent seeker and creator of knowledge. Each young man must take responsibility for gaining both knowledge and wise judgment, which will strengthen his faith in God, his membership in Delbarton's community life and his contribution to our wider society. While Delbarton offers much, we also seek young men who are willing to give much.
Fr. Michael Tidd, O.S.B.
At a Glance
- 100% of graduates go on to college
- 2/3 of students come from public schools
- 27% of students identify as people of color
- 14 students per class, on average
- 7:1 student-to-faculty ratio
- 73 faculty members hold advanced degrees
- 30 AP and Post-AP courses
- 4 College Counselors
- 100% voluntary student service participation
- 15 Visual Art courses and 11 Musical and Theater performing ensembles
- 17 title-winning varsity sports
- 32 student-run clubs and groups
- $3.85 million in financial aid grants awarded annually
- 187 acres of classrooms, gardens, athletic complexes, creative spaces and woodlands
- 3 miles west of historic Morristown and 36 miles west of New York City
- 5,700+ worldwide alumni network
scholarship at delbarton
We put in the work.
We examine thought and ideas to their core. We converse, connect, express and apply with precision. We test and refine. We let our hearts be touched and our hands get dirty. We use the knowledge we gain to pursue the Good as we become men who succeed at the highest levels.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Romans 12:2
character at delbarton
We live committed.
We lead through service to others. We understand the deep power of connection and brotherhood. We welcome all. Undeterred by trials and without hesitation, we gladly give of ourselves. We become men who walk humbly in our achievement.
Now as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in utmost eagerness and in our love for you—so we want you to excel also in this generous undertaking.
2 Corinthians 8:7
spirituality at delbarton
We seek truth.
We seek justice. We live in a dynamic and maturing personal relationship with God in Christ. We are awed by beauty and not afraid to express how it takes shape within us. We become men who know ourselves because we know the Lord.
Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
Philippians 4:8
physical health at delbarton
We are strong.
With a strength that comes from sweat, resilience and devotion—to a sport, to an ensemble, to growth in all ways, to higher values, to putting our brothers before ourselves. We become men who are fit, who are active, who know that excellence lies in far more than awards and accolades.
So arrange everything that the strong have something to yearn for and the weak nothing to run from.”
Rule of Benedict 64:19
benedictine values
Our values are lived out in every aspect of a Delbarton education. They make us who we are.
Community and Stability
Everyone should have the sense of being a vital part of the community and that “here we belong.”
Sums up in one word the whole set of values and practices that establish our Benedictine culture.
Self-discipline is essential to foster the common good and cultivate excellence.
“All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ. (Matthew 25:35).” (Rule of Benedict 53:1)
Humility is about the acceptance of the truth about myself: I am not God; God must be at the center of all we do.
Listening “with the ear of the heart” is to be practiced by everyone—students, teachers and coaches.
Love of God and Neighbor
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39)
Moral and Spiritual Development
All members should strive for virtue and for that love that casts out fear.
Everyone in a Benedictine school should experience the great gift of being treated with the utmost respect.
Prayer and Worship
As a Benedictine school, we teach the value of silence and reflection as components of the whole person.
We have a moral duty to care for God’s creation and to use the resources for the good of all.
Work sustains our livelihood and helps achieve our purpose of growing in mind, body and spirit.